Thursday, July 08, 2010

Abigail's 18 Month Old Check Up

Weight: 24 pounds and 3 ozs (50%)
Height: 32 1/4 inches (50-75%)
Head Circumference: 75%

Funny thing is that I checked Jackson's blog post (here) and he was 24 pounds and 4 ozs at his 18 month old check up.

I am beyond thankful that Abigail is right where she needs to be with her words, probably a little a head of where she needs to be. If you ask her what her name is she can say Abigail and the other day she said, "I see the flower." While we were at the doctor's office a ball hit the doctor and she told the doctor that she was sorry...ha! She loves to sing, and tells me what she needs all day long with her words.

Eating: She is a lot better eater than Jackson, but she is started to become more picky. The big issue with her that the doctor and I discussed is her not drinking but a few ozs of milk a day. She eats yogurt and cheese, but is not liking whole milk even out of a straw.

Any suggestions on how to increase her milk intake?

The doctor's suggestion was hardly offer her any juice, but she really loves her 8 ozs of juice a day!

She still has pear baby food and squash baby food and is good about trying new foods. We finally got rid of her wake up bottles last month, she told me she did not want them anymore...ha!

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