Sunday, April 15, 2007

Update on “Wild Man” Jackson-April 15th 2007, 7 months old!

Here we are at one of our favorite places in Sumter, "Rascals." They have the best hot dogs and ice cream (and Jackson had a lot of it when I was pregnant). They also have $1 bating cages. It is a real fun place.

Here is the new bubble face:

Got to love that smile!

Determined boy-

He is a little rascal!

Here he is with 2 of the church secretaries having a good old time

Chris, our financial secretary is leaving in May because her husband got transferred to New Mexico. Boy, are we going to miss her!

Here is the latest update on “Wild Man” Jackson:

  1. Jackson is reminding me more and more of my dad in looks and in actions. On Friday, Charlie was going somewhere and Jackson was in his tot rider. He literally ran in his tot rider and tried to get out the door to follow Charlie. Jackson had his passy in his mouth and Charlie pointed out that Jackson looked and was acting just like Grand! He is a very determined little boy!
  2. We had a big scare with Jackson this weekend. Saturday morning I went to get him up and he had the bumper strings double-knotted around his neck! I of course started screaming, and luckily it was not tied tight around his neck and he was not red or anything. He is a wild man, and now we have had to take the bumpers off his crib. Then, he kept banging his head against the crib while moving around in his sleep, so we just let him sleep in the pack-and-play last night and he did fine. Do any wise mothers have any advice on what more we can do? He moves around a lot when he sleeps, and will eventually hit his head hard against the crib!
  3. Some moms have asked about Jackson’s schedule. I do not think you really ever go to 3 feedings a day. I know some of my friend’s children eat 3 big meals and then a juice at 8 pm, but she did not start this until she was 1. They have formula the first full year and then at 1 year old they eat what we eat and I guess then you go to 3 meals. Jackson still gets 4 bottles and 1 mini bottle at 8 pm. He has just now started eating a lot of solids and he is not eating as many oz (about 27 in a day). He still eats 7 oz at 8, 11:30, 2:30, 5:30 or 6, and then a couple ozs at 8 pm. He really likes squash! We are still on type 1 food. I do not think we will start meats until he is 1 year---that is just what BabyWise and most doctors recommend.
  4. We had a really hard time finding 12 month sleepers but we finally found some at the Children’s Place. I had never been there but we went to the one in Columbia and I love the place. They have great light weight sleepers all the way up to 2 years old! I was so excited. We got three 12 months for like $20 total!
  5. Jackson really never stops moving and he bruised my arm the other day by pinching it when he was hugging me. He has been sleeping on his stomach since he was 3 ½ months old. But as I said he is wild and he never stops moving even in his sleep. I think it is fine for them to sleep on their stomachs as long as they can lift their head, and I think it helps with strengthen their muscles.
  6. He is now sitting up by himself for 45 minutes at a time in the Pack-and-Play. He loves to be in that now more than the Exersaucer. I would highly recommend starting to put your baby in the pack in play starting at about 4 months old (BabyWise II strongly recommends doing this). I started doing this and Jackson did not like it too much at first, but now it is his favorite place and he can stay in there for 45 minutes with all his toys. He loves to sit up in it, and see what we are doing. If we put him on the floor right now, he will crawl and cry to get powercords far away within minutes! Some people say you can raise two girls for every one boy, and I am starting to understand what they mean. Do y’all have any other playtime advice? What did your babies enjoy doing at 7 months?


TulipGirl said...

With #4, we used a pack-n-play instead of a crib and it worked really well for us. (And with the soft mesh sides, you don't have the bonking heads on the wooden sides, like it seems your little one is fond of doing. . .)

At 7 months, every morning my oldest would play in his highchair in the kitchen with me while I did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, and prepped dinner. Sometimes he'd play with stacking cups, sometimes we'd listen to a tape together, sometimes he'd play with a puzzle (big pieces.) It was fun. *grin*

Anonymous said...

Jayne Mac slept with us forever, so she never got the opportunity to bump her head on the rails of her crib. And as far as fun things, she loved going for walks and going to the playground. We had a playground at our apartment in Charlotte, and she loved to swing in the baby swing. I am a big believer in letting little kids get as much fresh air as possible, and being outside really seems to tire kids out, even when they are this young.
Oh yeah, Fisher Price makes all those toys for kids to crawl through or learn to stand up on, and we always had fun playing with those. Plus they can grow with them the older they get. Hope some of this helps!

Emily Wallace said...

Thank you both for all of the great advice. Any more adice yall have I am all ears!

I also forgot to say that someone in Sumter - a baby got, the paci ribbon around his neck, and actually died from strangulation, some years back. He was about Jackson's age, so if you have a paci ribbon do not let them sleep with it. I am not going to let Jackson sleep with anything at all for a long time.

In Christ Alone,
Emily Wallace

Drew said...

Hey Emily! Sounds like your boy is becoming a little Jared Nass.

Emily Wallace said...


He is not as bad as Jared (we will not go into why here)....he is just high energy. Some one recently told me for every 2 girls you can raise 1 boy and I am starting to understand what they are talking about. He can crawl to something he is not suppose to have in 3 seconds flat.

We miss yall, and tell Janel I said hey!

In Christ Alone,