Monday, July 30, 2007

Children are a Reward

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
the fruit of the womb a reward."

Psalm 127

We are so blessed to have Jackson. Children are a wonderful blessing from God. Why does our society not really see children as blessings, but as burdens? We are always trying to figure out ways for us not to receive this blessing. Every time I read the Old Testament, women were crying out to God for Him to open their womb. It seems like many of our women today are crying out for God to close their womb. Isn't it God who opens and closes women's womb?

We have already seen God's protection over Jackson's life through the fire. I feel sure that God has great plans for Jackson, and I already know he will reach many people. I know he will show and tell people of the life changing message of Jesus Christ dying on the Cross for their sins. I know God has protected him, not for my sake or for Jackson's sake, but for God's sake, and for God's glory. I am truly thankful that God gave me Jackson and I pray daily that I will do as Hannah did, to give Jackson right back to God for His ministry whatever that may be...


C.L. said...

Emily, this is a beautiful verse. I read it yesterday in my quiet time, actually. It means so much to us because of the hard time we had getting pregnant. God is merciful and good. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures and for being open and honest on your blog.

Mommy Reg said...

These are beautiful pictures. Yes children are such a blessing and I also do not understand why so many people try so hard to not get pregnant or only want one. I have four right now and would have no problem if God blessed me with more. I have actually heard people after walking past me and my four say, "If I had that many kids, I'd shoot myself." It is so so sad. Again, beautiful pics. And great verse.

Emily Wallace said...

Thank yall so much! Yall are such a blessing.