Thursday, November 06, 2008

Doctor's Visit Today-35 Weeks Pregnant

I am so glad I did not bring Jackson to my doctor's visit today! Believe it or not, I have been taking him with me and he has done surprisingly well. Today they did the strep test and checked my cervix for dilation. Her head is down, and I am 1/2 centimeter dilated! I do not think I was dilated this early with Jackson but I was dilated 4 centimeters for like a week and finally had to be induced at 40 weeks pregnant. I still think the earliest she will come will be Thanksgiving week which is just 2 weeks early. I am excited that her head is down and getting ready for a vaginal birth. I will be going back to the doctor every week now...ah! I have got to get her room and clothes ready! I do not feel nearly has ready for her has I did with Jackson. I have not cleaned out Jackson's closet in like 6 months so every day I have been cleaning it out and making sure I get my sister in law all the stuff she needs since she is having a little boy. You really do lose money when you are not organized! Jackson has so much cute clothes that he could have been wearing (given to us by Lauren) but I just totally forgot she had given us this one bag that was in his closet! I really feel like I need to get his clothes organized first...I love 2t clothes because he can wear them for like a year...Praise God! Any advice on how to have a very well organized closet (or any organizational tips for keeping their clothes straight)...I would love to hear from you!

I also went to CVS this week and did the best I have done in a long time. I bought $10 worth of candy (my 4th grade girls will be happy), 4 pack of coke for $3 each, and a Colgate spin brush toothbrush for $4.99. I had $19 worth of extrabucks that I used on this purchase that I got from last week, and then I earned $5 for the candy, $3 for the coke, and $2 for the spin brush in extrabucks.

So, I only paid $7.99 out of pocket for my purchase and earned $10 to spend at my next trip. Techinally, I earned money on this trip. CVS said my total savings was $35.61 for this purchase....yay! This is the best I have done in a while. CVS and couponing have made grocery shopping fun for me and I am so thankful!


Mommy Reg said...

I am so not organized in the clothes area. I try but I fail.
I am so excited you are getting to the end. :) Remember that what doesn't get done, doesn't get done and that it can always get done later. You will find that the world doesn't end if the list doesn't get finished. I have to learn that lesson every time.
(I have been so busy that I barely get time to sit down right now.)

Emily Wallace said...

Thanks girl! With Jackson I had all the time in the world to get everything ready but with Abigail there is literally not enough hours in the day to get everything that I want done. Guess that is why I am ok if I go 40 weeks this time but looks like that might not happen...oh well. Thanks again for the encouragement.