Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday's Tip: Preschool Books

Jackson's speech therapist that he had in Columbia, was so gracious in emailing me the books of the month for this school year for Preschool age children.

September: “I Love You”

October: “The Very Busy Spider”

November: “Clap Your Hands”

December: “If you Give a Mouse a Cookie”

She does not know any of the authors. Do you know who the author of "I Love You," is? I googled it, and there are many Preschool books entitled "I Love You."

If you have a Preschooler, these would be great books to get and work on each month (I usually get my books off amazon used).

1 comment:

lindler5 said...

amazon returns a lot of results on I LOVE YOU.

a few of our favorites are

i love you as much - melmed
guess how much i love you - mcbratney
love you forever - munsch
love you, stinky face - mccourt