Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pray for Some Answers

with Charlie's health.

He has gotten sick to his stomach a lot and has had some intense pain for the last six months.

This last time was on Sunday and we had no reason for it and we were pretty concerned.

He knows Dr. Bouttamy through twitter and made an appointment to see him yesterday. He is with Carley Family Care in Kings Mountain which is a great practice.

  • Dr. Bouttamy was wonderful and really thinks it is his gallbladder. He thinks it is either a diseased gallbladder or gall stones by all his symptoms and both his dad and his grandmother have had their gallbladder removed (it can be hereditary). Charlie is going to the hosiptal on Friday morning at 8:15 am (Kings Mountain Hospital) to get an ultrasound on his stomach (they will check all his other major organs through the ultrasound as well). By two weeks we should have some definite answers from the ultrasound and blood work.
  • We are getting answers and the gallbladder is not too serious in comparison to some other things that it could be.
  • God is good all the time; all the time God is good!
Overall, my prayer right now is that in Jesus name, nothing will be hidden with what is wrong with him, and that we will know exactly what it is and what we need to do. Also, that Jesus will compltely heal him.

Thank you for your prayers!


Ordinary Reader said...

Hi. I'm a complete stranger to you (so I hope you don't mind this) but I came across your blog and was touched by your prayer request. I will pray for Charlie because I know how physical illness can disrupt a family and how much energy goes into worrying about it. In the meantime may God bless you with His peace and help you to rest in Him. Take care.

Magyari János said...


Magam is idegenként küldük jó imádságot Charlie gyógyulásáért.
De remélem azóta már túlesett mindenen ép és egészséges.
Mindenkinek egészséget szeretet és boldogságot kívánok.
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