Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday Millie Boo!

Well, today, is our dog’s second Birthday. I thought I would write about it, because it is only by God’s grace that she is still alive. She ate rat poison that was left in the church parsonage and had to have a complete blood transfusion last June (2006). The doctor told me that she had a 50/50 shot of living. He definitely told me this when I was 6 months pregnant, and very emotional after the big move and the sudden death of my grandmother. This was a time in my life when I was depressed, and my relationship with Jesus was not even a relationship. I am glad Millie Boo almost died because I have never prayed that hard or that much. God does get all the glory for saving her life.

I am thankful for Millie Boo because:

  1. She sanctifies us daily, and has brought us closer to the Lord during her near death experience. She teaches us how to die to ourselves, and depend on God for strength.
  2. She makes Jackson smile daily, even laugh
  3. She relaxes me by licking my feet daily
  4. She teaches both me and Charlie patience. She is a high maintenance dog because she requires a lot of time and attention (all dogs really need a walk daily, so think about that before you get a cute little one)
  5. She always has a loud, friendly welcome!


C.L. said...

oh, Millie Boo is SOOOoooo cutie! I cannot wait to get a dog like her, Artur said we can get one when we have a bigger apartment and actually have real job ;) But I am SO happy that she has been a blessing to you both and God has used her in special ways.

Emily Wallace said...

Thanks you so much. I think it would have been good to wait until Jackson wanted a dog, and then gotten one. Then, he could have learned how to take care of someone other than himself.Millie Boo was my replacement for a baby because in seminary we could not afford a baby (I do not really think you can ever afford a baby--haha)

However,I do love her and having her around..