Saturday, August 09, 2008

4 More Months Till We Meet Our Baby Girl!

Since my due date is December 9th, we only have four more months until we get to meet Abigail. I am so excited! With Jackson, I was pregnant 10 full months. (40 weeks=10 months). Since I went 40 weeks with Jackson and will not be having a scheduled c-section, I do not have any hope of going early with this baby. God stretched me in ways I did not know I could be stretched waiting on Jackson to be born, and I am determined to have more patience with this baby. However, I just looked at the calendar and I will be 38 weeks pregnant the week of Thanksgiving in November, so we could have a Thanksgiving baby. So:
  • I am 22 weeks pregnant, 23 on Tuesday
  • I am having my glucose test August 19th so pray for me that day. I definitely failed the glucose test with Jackson (I almost passed out during the test) and had to take the 3 hour test at the hospital which was no fun. However, I did pass that test. The doctor told me to be sure to eat real plain foods the night before. I had no idea what I was doing with Jackson and I think I had cake or something the night before.
  • I feel our little girl moving and kicking all the time which is a blessing. With Jackson, I had an anterior placenta and I could not really feel him moving which would always concern me.
  • I have gained 15 fun filled pounds, and you probably will not see me post pictures of me pregnant...haha. I looked like a sumo wrestler towards the end of the pregnancy with Jackson.
  • I can get full when I eat during this pregnancy, which is a blessing. With Jackson, I was never full.
  • I am still working out by doing the classes although it is getting harder and harder. I went three times last week. So far, I have not struggled with depression at all during this pregnancy which is a huge blessing, and I really think working out is really helping this. I am so blessed!

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