Friday, August 15, 2008

Fun at the Saluda Shoals Splash Park

Today, we had another great play date with First Baptist. We went to Saluda Shoals Splash Park and the total cost was $13 for all three of us which is really not bad (it is a huge park with so much to do). If you have not been there yet, I definitely recommend it! At first, Jackson stood back from all the activities, but then once his Sunday School teacher got there, he really warmed up to it, and before I knew it he was running through everything not scared at all. He was so brave (you never knew when the water was going to spray up at you). He is like his mommy and loves the water. Before each playdate, I think that he is too young to enjoy some of it, but he surprises me every time and loves it (probably enjoys doing something fun and different).

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