Friday, May 29, 2009

Thank You So Much For Your Prayers

the doctor's visit went really well. The doctor was very patient with us and asked a lot of questions. Here is a summary
  • He really thinks that Jackson is retaining water every 10 to 12 days and needs to be cleaned out. He believes it is just extreme constipation. He has prescribed Jackson to be on a adults dosage of miralax for the next 7 days and then 2 teaspoons after that. We also have to go back in 3 weeks.
  • He does not think he has the gluten allergy or any impaction.
  • He directed us not to try potty training at all during this time. Sounds good to me!
  • He did not lecture us about Jackson not eating well, but explained that with him retaining water he is going to have big time eating issues. He said that this stomach problem could be an influence on him having breakdowns.
  • He suggested no matter what to offer him a vegetables (like carrots) every day after we get his stomach situated. He felt confident that after Jackson's stomach situation was resolved that he will try new foods.
  • He did want us to rule out everything else and so he sent us to the hospital for Jackson to have a x-ray of his stomach and three vials of blood to test for food allergies and all kinds of stomach diseases. Getting his blood drawn was bad and I am so glad that both me and Charlie were there and that Betsy had Abigail. If anything turns up on these test they will call us in the next couple of days to come in, but the doctor said he would be shocked if something else did show up.
  • I am just praising God that we are getting Jackson's stomach issues resolved and that the doctor was not conservative with doing all the tests that need to be done. God is so faithful! I have found that doctors are so reluctant to do all the procedures that need to be done on little ones. I had to go to two different doctors before I could find a doctor who thought frenulum surgery would help Jackson. I cannot imagine not having that done. Right after it was done he could eat so much better and could say "yellow" finally. God is good all the time. All the time God is good.

1 comment:

Merritt Pace said...

I am so glad that things went well. I will keep praying for you, Charlie, and Jackson!