Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday's Tip: Diapers

On Tuesdays I am going to try and start posting money saving tips. Having two babies in diapers in harder than I thought it would be. Jackson is going to see a GI doctor soon (more on that latter) so we are going through about 10 diapers a day. If he was not having all these bowel issues, we would not be going through this many diapers a day and would be making headway on potty training.

Friday I went to Kroger and bought:
40 Huggies Diapers with a $1.25 coupon off
2 Packs of 40 count Kroger Diapers and 1 26 count pack of Kroger diapers $3.00 coupon off
30 Count Pack of Huggies Diapers with another
$1.25 coupon off

Total of 176 Diapers for $36.56.

By my calculations that will last me 18 days.

I really am hoping it will last me 21 days. I am ok with paying that for 21 days. However, when buying diapers for two, you are really spending 20 cents a diapers instead of the 8 or 10 cents when just buying diapers for one.

Tuesday's Tip: Figure out much you are spending per diaper, it will probably surprise you.

Because of all Jackson's issues, I have really thought about trying out cloth diapers on Abigail. But I want to be 100 percent committed to it so I do not waste our money on them. Right now, I am still trying to figure out exactly how much we are spending on diapers per month to see if it would really save me a ton of money. Since I am having to bottle feed, I am trying to cut cost everywhere. A good friend from Spartanburg uses cloth diapers on her son. It works for her and is not too time consuming for her family with just one in diapers. She recommends to:

1. "I would say if you just want to try it out, order the following from www.greenmountaindiapers.com. 1 dozen cloth pre-folds, 2 Thirsties covers, 1 pack of snappis (these are what you use in place of the old fashioned diaper pins), and a small wet bag if you plan on cloth diapering when you're out and about (it's a waterproof, smell proof bag to put dirty diapers in in your diaper bag). I think that's the bare-minimum you need to get started. With only 1 dozen, you'll most likely need to wash every night. And, I've not used the prefolds since my baby has been sleeping through the night, so I don't know if they're absorbent enough to make it 10+ hours. You may want to order one of the one-size diapers from https://usshop.motherease.com/shopdisplayproducts.asp?id=5&cat=Introductory+Offers. It's what we often use over night, it's a great diaper, and their intro offer is a good price to try one out. You can also check out www.clothdiaperoutlet.com and www.clothdiaperclearance.com as well as www.diaperswappers.com for deals. I've not used Diaper Swappers before, but it's kind of like a craigslist for diapers I believe. You also may find diapers on craigslist occasionally! Just remember with prefolds, they're technically the 'most difficult' diapers (just because they involve 2 steps), but if you decide you like CDing, you can easily build up your diaper stash with other diapers, like the BumGenius."

2. The only other thing is that you cannot use Destin when using cloth diapers. You can order special cream made for cloth diapers or you can use a liner for diaper rash.

Right now, with us trying to get our playset done, I am not going to try out the cloth diapers. However, I am very open to it, and might try it next month. My main concern is how time consuming it will be on me.

Do you have any tips on cutting back on your monthly diaper bill or on using cloth diapers?

Also, as far as potty training goes I think we are going to have to take two days and just put him on the potty every 30 minutes. He still has not even gone pee pee in the potty. Any suggestions?


sharon hooks said...

hey emily! i know your kids are going to love their new swing set...it looks very entertaining. we've had success with gordon using the "3 day potty training method". you can google it. he's really done well with that. it may not be the right thing for everyone, but i know it's worked for a few other friends as well. good luck!

Emily Wallace said...

Thanks so much Sharon! Can't wait to try method. Great to here from you!

Susie said...

We used cloth diapers with our children and I found them to take the same amount of time as disposable diapers. Just store your diapers and covers and wipes near the changing table. I washed 1 load of laundry every other day. No time at all. Also, I spent 100 dollars on diapers for 2 children total. A huge cost savings, but that was 8 years ago and probably you would spend 200 now on 2 doz prefolds, 2 snappis and 4 bummis super industrial whisper wraps.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I have some friends that have used cloth diapers. Some have abandoned ship, others have remained faithful. I think they used bumgenius diapers, and you can get those at target. As far as disposable diapers, I used to be a "diaper snob" but have found a brand that target carries called nature babycare diapers. They are all natural, earth friendly disposable diapers that work really well. They aren't as soft feeling as others but other than that they are great! And the best part is you can get a pack of 60 diapers for $9.34!
Asher isn't potty trained either, but wants to be so badly. We are waiting until we get back from NYC to do the official no more diapers thing. Not really looking forward to it since I was scarred by JM's experience, but it will be one less diaper to change!
Hope this was a little helpful!

Elizabeth Brown said...

hey emily!

i love hearing about your family on your blog! i jsut had to leave a comment because i do cloth diapers with charlotte and have really loved them. they save so much money. i have 15 of the bum genius (one sized so they've been what she's been wearing since birth) and flannel cloth wipes. Now at almost 1, i probably wash them every 2 1/2 days. When she does have to wear a disposable diaper (church nursery), its actually the only time she ever gets diaper rash! i've heard that since the cloth diapers breath better, rashes are less common. if you have any other questions let me know but i definitely recommend them!